
Contact Information


Pastor, Youth Pastor, School Counselor, Teacher, Adult friend or Employer who knows you well:

Personal Information

Standards of Conduct

Attending this program is a privilege and includes responsibilities. Observing the Standards of Conduct of Calvary Pico Rivera's Ministry Program is the responsibility of each student. These standards are designed to create an atmosphere conducive to one’s personal commitment to Jesus Christ and to maintain a positive testimony in the community.
Observance of these guidelines does not guarantee spiritual maturity. One’s attitude and reaction to these guidelines, however, does show the integrity of one’s character. Any behavior, either on or off campus, indicating a student’s disregard for these standards, may be sufficient reason for dismissal.
The following Standards of Conduct, are those which the faculty and administration consider very important. Please read this form carefully and sign below.
Recognizing that the Lordship of Jesus Christ includes every aspect of life, each student is responsible to:
1. Cooperate constructively with the aims and objectives of this program.
2. Refrain from the possession or use of alcoholic beverages, tobacco, illegal drugs or obscene literature. Students are also to refrain from gambling.
3. Avoid every form of immorality, including immoral sexual behavior, lying, stealing, gossiping, and cheating on examinations or assignments. I also agree to meet financial obligations promptly and not to neglect work duties.
4. Attend Sunday morning church services regularly. Attendance at other services is encouraged.
I currently do not struggle with the above behaviors and agree to abide by the Standards of Calvary Pico Rivera's Ministry Program.
If you are struggling with any of the above behaviors and are willing to work toward change, please indicate the area of struggle in your life and sign the following statement.

Student Expectations and Agreement

Ministry Status

Students are required to maintain an active status in ministry through the duration of the program.

Class Times

Classes meet every Saturday morning from 9:00am to 11:00am with a break from 10:00am to 10:15am. Three, 10-week classes will be taught each calendar year on a rotation basis. Classes will begin promptly at the stated times. If you arrive late due to unforeseen circumstances, please sit down quietly so as not to disturb the teacher and other students.

Attendance Policy

All classes meet once a week and are intensive. Therefore, it is in the best interest of each student to maintain 100% attendance. Students who have missed class due to circumstances beyond their control must speak with the Director of Enrollment to make up the class. Repeated and unexcused absences may result in failure of a course or withdrawal from the program.
I hereby certify that information given in this application is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. If accepted, I agree to abide by the rules and regulations of Calvary Pico Rivera Ministry Program.
CPR Ministry Program • 4211 Columbia Ave. • Pico Rivera • CA 90660 • (562) 777-5134 •