Weekly Bulletin

Announcements for week of September 1st
•1st time visitors please come to the front office so we can meet you

•Wednesday Night Service @ 7:00pm – Joshua 24 – Judges 1

Save the date: Marriage Conference Sat. Sept 14th - 
$30 lunch included - Sign up with QR code

Mexico orphanage trip Oct. 4th - 6th – See office or website

•Women’s 8-week Monday night Bible study 7p –Begins Sept. 16th

•Join our Community Outreach 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month 12p

•Look Up End Times Study - 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month 6p

All church Fellowship & Volleyball Fellowship Sun. Sept 8th @ 2:30p

Night of Worship – September 29th   6p-7:15p -childcare 10 & under

•Right Now Media Christian streaming platform – see office

•Men’s Ministry Dodger Game Fri. Sept. 20 $35 –see Eric or Paul

•Married & Engaged Couples Fellowship Fri. Oct. 11th @ 7p

•Young Adult’s Fellowship and Bible Study. Ages 18-30. Thursdays @ 7:00p –  Romans 13-14
Worship & Prayer Night on the last Thursday of the month

•Men’s Bible Study Tuesdays @  7:00pm  James

CPR Ministry Program – check office, website, or app for info.
Current course:
Overseeing a Ministry; How to lead and assist

•Walking with Jesus Prayer meeting Monday-Friday @ 7am  


Please make your tithe or offering checks out to:
Calvary Pico Rivera

Please place prayer requests, tithes or offerings in the offering box at the back of the sanctuary

Sermon Archives are available on our website or app